
Thanks for sharing this post. What an emotional rollercoaster of an experience. Putting so much work into an application (especially when time for doing that is limited with little kids), hearing back nothing, so excited to get accepted, & then such a disappointment having it immediately revoked. And then to feel like you could have prevented it somehow if you’d only seen the email is just the guilt-flavored icing on the cake you never ordered. Dang, what an experience! It’s so hard not knowing how things like this resolve.

Anne Lamott, one of my favorite authors, has an analogy in one of her books where she talks about how going through something hard where you don’t know the outcome is like driving at night in the fog when it’s pouring rain. You can only see as far as your headlights shine, but you can make the whole trip that way. That idea brings me peace often. We can keep going little by little, even when we can’t fathom making the entire trip & we get there one mile at a time.

I like how you mentioned that situations like these have “god-prints” on them. It’s so hard & sometimes the only good thing is knowing you’re not the only person who thinks going through it is about as enjoyable as eating bowl of glass. The self-reflection, deepening empathy for the struggles of others, and watching yourself come through something hard are the god-prints here. You got this.

Do keep us posted on how this turns out & no matter what the outcome, keep believing in your writing dream! It will happen one way or another. Looking forward to next week’s post. My personal list is up to 28 now— how you came up with 40 is incredible to me. ❤️

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Angela! I sooooo love all of this! Thank you for your thoughtful comments! I love that analogy! In terms of the list… some are as simple as “dance” or “sing” or “breathe fresh air”. Those may not end up as a whole blog post. I also think the trick is not to put pressure on it to be the highest most important things! Because I think that’s tooooo hard! Just free flow things you know to be true for you. :-) can’t wait to see your list! Are you writing on it yet!?

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Good advice on needing it to be the most important things! Will keep that in mind. And yeah, I’ve started writing on mine, but haven’t posted it anywhere because I don’t know how I feel about that. If you send me your email address, I’ll email you on Fridays when you post yours. ❤️

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Would love that!

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